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Children's Water Festivals

Elementary school children can learn about the importance of our water resources at Children's Water Festivals.

Each year thousands of children spend a day outdoors learning important lessons about water science, technology, protection and conservation.

Learn more about each festival:

What do children learn at the festivals?

The activity centres at the Children's Water Festivals focus on five themes:

  1. Water science: Learn about the water cycle, watersheds and the physical science of ground and surface water.
  2. Water protection: Investigate how human activities can affect our natural environment including our water resources. Students learn what actions they can take in their daily lives to improve and protect water quality.
  3. Water and technology: Explore the technology we depend on to treat, store and distribute our local water supply.
  4. Water conservation: Examine the different ways to conserve water in homes, schools and communities.
  5. Water attitudes: Explore the historical and present day uses of water and how our attitudes change over time.

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